Fingerprinting Locations in West Virginia

Find the nearest Live Scan fingerprinting service location in West Virginia.

West Virginia Live Scan Fingerprinting Services Locations Near Me

WEST VIRGINIA Live Scan Fingerprinting, Live Scan Fingerprinting has never been so easy in WEST VIRGINIA Our Live Scan site is available for walk-in service

How to Complete Your Fingerprint Capture

Find a Location

We offer a nationwide network of 1200+ fingerprint enrollment centers that you can choose from to capture your fingerprints for an FD-258 card or Live Scan submission.

Enroll Online

You are required to select your application type and to enroll online, this includes providing us with all the required information to complete the electronic fingerprinting capture.

Get Fingerprinted

Once you've enrolled online and found a location, simply walk into the location and provide them with a copy of your QR code or Token, they will then proceed to capture your fingerprints.